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Online Degrees

Part of Western Governors University

March 29, 2019

Online University Experience

A little help from friends.

By Jake Riddell

Advice from friends WGU Washington students and grads are in an important and unique position to provide education advice to their friends, family and co-workers.

No one speaks to the important benefits of WGU Washington like the university’s students and grads. And many women and men considering enrolling in a degree program turn to friends who have already signed up and experienced WGU Washington’s innovative model.

Often, friends understand each other’s unique qualities. They share similar backgrounds and values. They recognize and respect the paths they’ve each chosen and provide support.

So, when talking to a friend, what’s the best way to summarize the university and all it has to offer? Consider these points to help your friend make a decision that’s right for them:

Student-obsessed faculty.

WGU Washington faculty members have one goal in mind: student success. With dedicated program mentors and course instructors, guidance and instruction are always just a call, email, or cohort away.

Personalized learning plans.

The journey toward subject mastery is made up of a series of courses – with flexibility built in. Preassessments help students determine their levels of competency. As they move into coursework, they can focus effort where it’s needed, using online resources available 24/7.

Measuring what matters.

WGU Washington measures learning, not time, so each course culminates in an assessment – a test, paper, project, or presentation that allows students to prove what they know. They control when they take assessments – as soon as they’re ready, any time of day.

Valuable experience.

Health and nursing programs have field experience. Teaching programs have demonstration teaching. All other programs have a real-world capstone project. Each experience will test students’ abilities and build their confidence.

Audrey Ulrich is a WGU Student from southwest Washington. She’s a wife, a mom, and works full-time for a state agency. Hear what she tells her friends who are considering enrolling in a WGU Washington degree program:

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One online university. Four colleges. Flexible degrees.

Our focus on your success starts with our focus on four high-demand fields: K–12 teaching and education, nursing and healthcare, information technology, and business. Every degree program at WGU is tied to a high-growth, highly rewarding career path. Which college fits you?

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